Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Gig report Quillarious no3

Gig report Quillarious no3

Monday before the bank holiday was a surprisingly useful night for Quillarious.
Several things of note:
In spite of it being the first summery night of the summer, most of the acts showed and did their thing well on a night that was definitely ‘sit outside a pub’ weather.

Playing a small room is tough but not too many moments of self awareness where expectations of giggles didn't happen as planned and instead a riff in the space time continuum opens up to release invisible trans-dimensional aliens who zap everyone with an awkward ray. I encountered several of those whilst trying to jam some notes I’d written on the tube. That’s the last time I go on stage with a tube door.
Quillarious went surprisingly well. I played around with topping the comments in a productive way (hopefully) and steering things towards an expanded set up to a pre-discovered wordplay.
The result was in brief:

1004550b0d33295ca20577eeda0094ab.gif“My girlfriend Anna, I say girlfriend but it was our first date and to save time I was already working on how to dump her. It’s a millennial commitment thing. She wanted to meet at McDonalds but I said No, lets meet at Burger King because I’ve got a Whopper! She told me to burger off!”
Now I’m certainly not saying that’s the best joke in the world or even a passably good one. The point is that it was created by the group that Monday, the first successful setup/punch, and let’s face it, Neil Armstrong’s first steps we’re a bit girly and totally lacked ta-da!

I’m gaining confidence in the Quillarious process and experience at managing the group towards a creative conclusion. I’m also finding that I’m writing more myself.
I would reveal my new fairly weak pun about eyes but I’m waiting for something more cornea!

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Quillarious Report no.2

Quillarious Report no.2 15th May 2017

Good solid progress and a steady ascent of the learning curve. The rearranged room worked well making a warm and friendly room even more warm and friendly.
Quillarious went well with Speedofile my personal favourite connecting paedophile and swimming trunks.Next week I'll start some serious work on the other rounds but we've proved that we can generate ideas and connect them into wordplay. So on to scenario's attitude and extras.

Michael, winner of the Quillarious award could have taken everyone else on single handedly as he calls out ‘it's obvious’ as we all look on with brain freeze for several moments before he slam dunks the line.any thanks to Bentley Browning for headlining and all the acts for being awesome.

Thanks to:
Lew Fitz
Becky Fury
Bentley Browning
And Chris and two random Duck guys who weren't from Amsterdam

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Quillarious Report No1

Quillarious Report No1 by Alastair Sadler
We launched and it went very well.
That right folks numero uno! The first ever Quillarious was last night and we go off to a great start. Two teams ‘Oooer’ and ‘Snofta’ danced merrily in the bouncy castle of their minds to get the giggle and tap into the titter. 
After a little creative warm up we got into a pun creation round called Pundamonium.
Seemingly un-connectable words were hitched-up, shoe-horned and crowbarred together.
E.g. Lorries and shaving. Not easy but Ryan got that famous trucking brand Eddi Stobble-art.
How about Duran Duran singer Simon Le Bon and Taxidermy: Hungry like the stuffed wolf; Wild Boars Wild Boars; and my favourite dish Stuffed Chicken on Le Bon.
I’d hoped for a few answers but Ducks and Gangsters got us collectively into a state of Punarrhea:
A gangster duck selling quack, who was clearly a bad assed mother ducker, hid his weed in the pond, while laundering his bills and keeping a breast of the gangster pecking order. Sometimes, while others were in a flap, he’d just be winging it to the top of the bill while pondering his triad loyalties. For he was a Peking duck. Eider dunno if they’re any good but we had fun fishing them out. 
Paulina won the first ever Quillari as she said one suggestion in English and Finish which makes it the obvious place to stop. 

Thanks to everyone for playing Quillarious and to our stand up acts:
Andrew Murray, Ryan Mold, Susie Steed, Andre, Paulina, James Gawthorpe,  Bentley Browning and our headliner Matt Duwell.

So thirteen weeks to Edinburgh! Time to Get my act together and develop Quillarious into a slick show. What could possibly go wrong!
By the way, this little Quillarious clip is my new logo.  It took less than an hour to do! Annoying isn't it!