Sunday, 6 August 2017

Day one of Edinburgh Fringe 2017

Day One
Woke up early surprise  surprise. Here we go!!
Streetbeat Comedy's Free Lunchtime Showcase 12.15 Whistlebinkies top of Niddry st and South Bridge.
When well but a little quiet in terms of audience. This could be down to not being in the #edfring app which cost £300 but most people think it pays for itself. Ill have a think about it. It could  also be the change of name from Camden Comedy  to Streetbeat Comedy. People know Camden,  but its too late to change so nay bother pal.
#Quillarious A New Comedy Format Free 15.45 Waverley Bar St. Marys St. next to The World's End on High St. (Royal Mile)
Every day of the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Twenty two in Essex vs Scotland and Essex won.
First Quillarious with 100% non acts. Went really well, very creative and very funny.
note  the way our winner defuses the stress by getting her mate up as well and turning it into a conversation.

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