Friday, 25 August 2017

Wednesday 23rd Felicitations

Whistlebinkies slowly recovering numbers, with the consensus being this has been a quieter fringe. My guess is incomes have been frozen for longer than a Game Of Throwns plot line, which turns a four day break to a weekend break. Apps are ubiquitous so people are phonbie-ing around (yes phonbie i.e. phone zombie is in the OED) This means a schedule and a less chance of taking a chance. I have to take responsibility for my lack of flyering. Having wasted £200 on flyering the first week, I've allowed myself to avoid it. Bad me, slap wrist and time f
or a wee chat with myself!

Fliss arrived at lunchtime and came to Quillarious. Not a bad show, small but excellent content from Ali aka Alistair, which I've put in to confuse everyone who spells my name wrong!

Lovely dinner with Helen and Fliss yummy chicken and parmesan risotto. Several bottles of nice wine.
nite nite


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